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Toad for SQL Server 6.6

You are here: Edit SQL > Debug SQL > About Debugging SQL

About Debugging SQL

Use the Debugger to debug any script that contains a procedure, or function, regardless of the SQL included in the script (i.e., SELECT statements).

Note: You cannot debug CLR stored procedures.

To debug SQL

  1. See Set Up Debugging for more information..
  2. Right-click a procedure in the Object Explorer and select Debug.
  3. Set start parameters.

    Tip: You can manually set start parameters at anytime by clicking in the Debug toolbar.

Configure Debugger Options


Use this Option Page...

Set an option so function calls are not evaluated when hovering the cursor over watches

Debugger | General

Select a default desktop configuration that displays when starting or ending a debugging session



Related Topics

Troubleshoot SQL Server Debugging

Set Breakpoints

Navigate Call Stacks 

Add Watches 

View Local Watches

View Global Watches
