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Toad for SQL Server 6.6

You are here: Use Version Control > Troubleshoot Version Control

Troubleshoot Version Control

Troubleshoot Upgrades

For this release, the back-end of version control has been rewritten. If you previously used version control in Toad, the following may occur:

Troubleshoot Other Issues

Review the following to help troubleshoot issues with version control:

Apache Subversion™ Issues Description

System cannot find file

If a message stating that, “The system cannot find the file specified” displays, this usually means that the Subversion executable cannot be found in the path you specified in the BinaryPath field of the Command Based Version Control Properties window. Verify that svn.exe exists in the directory you specified in this field.

Command execution

When executing Subversion commands, user input is not allowed. This presents an issue when the user is using Subversion with the SSH method and must enter a password to establish the Secure Shell.


Generate identity keys that automatically authenticate between the client and the server when connecting with SSH.

OutOfMemory exception when adding a large number of objects

When adding a large number of objects, Subversion may encounter OutOfMemory exception.


Commit objects in several steps.

SVN is missing in the list of available providers

If Subversion is missing in the list of available version control providers, it means that Subversion.xml was removed or corrupted.


Contact Support to get a new Subversion.xml and place it under <Toad install path>/Templates/Version Control/.

Object Issues Description

Adding multiple objects failed

When you add multiple objects to version control, the objects are grouped and added in batches (for example, all the tables for a particular schema are added at once). If an error (for example, failure to support Korean characters) causes this command to fail, none of the objects are added.

Script Issues Description

Canceled check-in

SQL scripts remain checked out if a change was made to the text, but check-in was canceled during the prompt for a check-in comment. This behavior is by design—that is; the user can either undo the checkout or check in the script using the right-click menu in the Scripts node/folder/tab of the Object Explorer.

Note: If you alter the object again, you receive a prompt to use the “locally changed” script. Click Yes to use the locally changed copy; click No to refresh the local copy from the source repository; click Cancel to cancel the prompt.


Related Topics

Configure Version Control

