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Toad for SQL Server 5.7

You are here: Work with Data > Compare Differences in Files

Compare Differences in Files

Use the Diff Viewer to compare differences between DDL and other files. The Diff Viewer supports the following file types:

C# (.cs)

Javascript (.js)

Visual Basic (.vb)

Cascading style sheets (.css)

Perl (.pl)

Visual Basic script (.vbs)


PHP (.php)

XML documents (.xml)

DOS batch (.bat)

Python (.py)

XML schema definition (.xsd)

HTML (.htm, .html)

SQL (.sql)


Java (.java)

Text (.txt)



Note: You cannot modify files in the Diff Viewer at this time.

To compare differences

  1. Right-click an object in the Object Explorer and select Send To | Diff Viewer as Script.

  2. Use the Diff Viewer toolbar to view any differences.
