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Toad for SQL Server 5.7

You are here: Configure Options > Environment > Grid

Grid Options

This topic focuses on information that may be unfamiliar to you. It does not include all step and field descriptions.

To set grid options

  1. Click | Options (ALT+T+O) and select Environment | Grid.

  2. Review the following for additional information:

    Show grouping panel

    Displays a panel that allows you to group data columns.

    Default: Cleared

    Show summary footer

    Displays a footer panel below data that lets you apply a summary function (Sum, Min, Max, Count, Avg) to a column.

    Default: Selected

    Automatically apply best fit to columns

    Automatically resizes data columns to maximize the amount of data that displays.

    Default: Selected

    Maximum rows to process

    Specifies the maximum number of rows to analyze when determining the best fit for sizing columns.

    Note: Increasing the number of rows provides more useful column sizes, but increases time required to retrieve data.

    Default: 50; -1 uses all rows

    Show navigator panel

    Displays a navigation toolbar and record count for data.

    Default: Cleared

    Show command panel

    Displays the date, time, and duration of the script's execution in a panel below the data.

    Default: Selected

    Show preview lines

    Displays a detailed preview of data for each row in the grid.


    Default: Cleared

    Show line numbers

    Displays a line number for each row in the grid so you can quickly locate a record.


    Default: Cleared

    Show Not Null indicator

    Displays an asterisk to the right of any column headings that require a value.


    Default: Cleared

    DateTime format

    Specifies a format for displaying date and time values. To define custom formats, see "Custom Date and Time Format Strings" at

    Default: G

    Use locale-independent format

    Uses an invariant instead of your computer's system defined locale for data types. This ensures that a character format, such as a decimal, is always used regardless of the character used by the computer's locale.  

    Default: Cleared

    Submitting changes to the database

    Submits row changes (inserts, edits, and deletions) to the database:

    • Automatically submit row changes as they occur—Submits changes to the database on a row-by-row basis when you click or when the cursor changes focus to a new row.   

    Note: You must commit your changes to the database before closing the connection.

    • Manually submit row changes as a batch—Submits all changes since your last submit to the database at one time. If you close the grid without submitting or rejecting the changes, they are submitted by default.

    Default: Automatically submit row changes as they occur

    Move row focus when using horizontal navigation keys

    Moves to the previous or next row when using the left or right arrow keys on the first or last cell in a row.

    Default: Cleared

    Show data as read-only

    Defaults the data grid to read-only mode. See Edit Data in Read-Only Grids for more information.

    Default: Selected
