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Toad for SQL Server 5.7

You are here: SQL Server Objects > Agent > Jobs > View Jobs in Lists

View Jobs / Tasks in Lists

You can view information about all SQL Server jobs and Windows tasks for a selected server. You can also configure Job Manager to view each step in a job, and the execution history.

Note: This topic focuses on information that may be unfamiliar to you. It does not include all step and field descriptions.

To view a job / task in a list

  1. Select an instance in the Job Manager pane (Tools | Administer | Job Manager)..
  2. Select the Job / Task List tab to view the following:
  3. Column


    Job Name

    Displays the name of the job. The icon before the job name indicates the application that created it:

    - Native SQL Server

    - Capacity Manager

    - LiteSpeed

    - Maintenance Plans

    - Unknown application or Toad


    Displays the schedule and indicates whether the job / task runs only once, runs on a regular basis, or starts automatically.

    Last Result

    Displays the status for the last job / task run as follows:

    - job / task has never ran.

    -job / task successfully ran.

    - Last job / task failed. 

    Note: Jobs are grouped by instance name.Tasks are grouped by server name.

  4. To view job steps and execution history, configure Job Manager. See Set Job Manager Options for more information.
  5. If you configured Job Manager to display history on demand, click Show History to view information about each step in the job's execution.

Tip: Right-click a job / task to start or stop it, create a new job, or perform other functions.