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Toad for SQL Server 6.6

You are here: Build Queries Visually > Define Criteria > Set Where Conditions

Set Where Conditions

You can use a Where condition to filter data returned by a query or to join sets of data.


To set a Where condition

  1. Select a column from a table in the Diagram tab.

  2. Select the Where Condition field below the column and click .  


  3. Complete the fields as necessary. Review the following for additional information:

    Form Page Description


    Select an operator or predicate to use in this condition.

    Value 1 Type

    Value 2 Type

    Select whether the expression is a column or constant. After selecting this option, select the column name or enter a constant in the field.


    • You can also specify a bind variable in this field using ":variable". If you enter a variable, you are prompted to enter a value for the variable when you execute the statement.
    • The Value 2 Type field is only available if you select the Between predicate.

    Formula Page



    Perform an incremental search or select a function and then select a column on which to perform the function.


    Double click an operator or predicate to use in this condition.

    Columns and calculated fields

    Double-click a column to apply a function or operator against.

    Date Range Page


    Date Range Values

    Select a date range to apply to this column. See Set Date Ranges for more information.

    Note: This tab only displays if you select a column that has a Date data type.



Related Topics

Build Queries Visually 

Find Lookup Tables 

Add Subqueries

Add Or Conditions 
