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Toad for SQL Server 5.7

You are here: Configure Options > Database > General

General Database Options

This topic focuses on information that may be unfamiliar to you. It does not include all step and field descriptions.

To set general database options

  1. Click | Options (ALT+T+O) and select Database | General.

  2. Review the following for additional information:


    Number of rows to initially fetch in data tab

    Enter the number of rows to initially retrieve when querying data in the Object Viewer window. If set, the query retrieves the specified number of records and then suspends the thread. When you scroll through data in the grid, additional records are retrieved on demand.

    Note: The number of records retrieved may be slightly lower or higher than the number you set depending on the speed of your computer.

    Default: 1000


    Return all rows for a query.

    Caution: If you select unlimited rows and query a large table, you may experience problems with memory usage.

    Default: Cleared

    Apply to editor

    Apply any limitations for retrieving data in the Data tab to the editor and Query Builder. By default, the editor and Query Builder retrieve all data.

    Default: Cleared

    Read LOBs when initially fetching data

    This option applies to the following data types:   


    Default: Cleared

    Extended connection pool hints

    Display the number of actual database connections that are associated with the current connection, how many of those connections are active, and any queries running on the connection.

    Default: Cleared

    Show connection category color in object explorer

    If you selected a category when creating a connection to color code Editor tabs, you can select this checkbox to apply the color coding to the Object Explorer window and the navigation pane in Object Editor (Create, Alter, Drop, etc.) windows, similar to the following:

    Poll service status in connection list

    Poll the service status every 60 seconds.

    Default: Selected

    Script GenerationDescription

    Quote identifiers

    Determine whether double quotes are used to delimit a character string (if selected) or are used to delimit an identifier (if cleared).   

    Default: Cleared

    Always preview script in object editors

    Add a Show Script button, which automatically opens the SQL Script page in the object editor, so you can review the SQL script generated when creating, altering, or dropping objects before executing the script.

    Default: Cleared

    Auto CommitDescription

    Default for newly defined connections

    Commit changes to the database when moving from one row to another in the data grid. An indicator displays in the bottom left of the application, and you can click the indicator to change the state:


    • This option applies to new connections only. Existing connections are not affected.

    • The Manually submit row changes as a batch option automatically overrides this setting. See Grid Options for more information.

    Commit after each statement in script with auto commit

    Commit changes to the database after each statement in a script in the Editor executes if auto commit is enabled.

    Default: Selected
