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Toad for SQL Server 5.7

You are here: Use Version Control > Compare Revisions

Compare Revisions

This topic focuses on information that may be unfamiliar to you. It does not include all step and field descriptions.

To compare revisions for an object or script

  1. Right-click a version-controlled object or script in the Object Explorer and select View | Details.

  2. Select the Script tab in the Object Details pane.

  3. Select a version of the script to view the current and previous versions from the History pane (bottom-left).

  4. Use the Create and Alter tabs on the right (initially collapsed) as follows:

    Create tab

    Displays the previous version of the script.

    Alter tab

    Displays the current version of the script.

  5. You can right-click a previous version of a script (lower-left) and select Compare to send the current version and the selected version to the Diff Viewer. See Compare Differences in Files for more information.


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